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Introducing a new way to interact with astica cognitive intelligence.

Improved capability, documentation, and more functionality now at your disposal.

Platform Updates
asticaVision: Custom Prompts

Model now accepts custom prompts. "How many calories are in this product? Respond in French."

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Early Access

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Vision Model Training

Customize and train high performance models in seconds using a web browser or REST API. Try a private model in minutes online.

Now Available

New Private Models

Generate music, real-time video AI with spatial analysis, and advanced model training and annotation.

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  Cognitive Intelligence

Experiment with artificial intelligence online or integrate with the cognitive API.

asticaVision v2.1 ‐ v2.5
Describe, moderate, or automatically tag images.
Detect objects, faces (age, gender) and OCR.
asticaDesign NEW
Generate photorealistic images with high resolution.
Available as Web UI and developer REST API.
asticaVoice v1.0
Synthesize realistic human voices to speak or read text.
Choose from over 40 voices of different age and gender.
asticaListen v2.0
Transcribe spoken words and recorded audio into text.
Suitable for real time conversation.
astica GPT-S
Powerful Natural language processing.
Non-moderated output. Trained for long-form content

  Custom Model Training

View your existing models or train a new one.

Custom Vision Training
Train a model to detect new objects or entities.
Speaker Recognition
Use voice biometrics to determine who is speaking.
Facial Recognition
Use facial biometrics within image or video files.

Explore capabilities and understand the integration process for astica REST API or SDK.

Vision AI
Detect people, objects, and describe images with extreme detail.
Design AI
Generate realistic photographs in high definition using AI.
Hearing AI
Transcribe audio files or conversations in real-time.
Voice AI
Generate realistic voices with text to speech.
Natural Language
Generate content, answer questions, and handle advanced queries.

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astica ai develops technologies in accordance with ethical principles.

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